Founded by a craniofacial patient and family consultant, FRED is designed to support caregivers navigating their own wellbeing and children’s needs.

Our consultations provide a safe space for the whole family to bring physical, emotional, and mental health into focus along the medical journey.


Nicole is a family consultant and wellness educator with over a decade of experience coaching and advocating for parents and children in underserved communities. She has worked with 70+ nonprofits and 30,000+ community leaders as a director, counselor, legislative advocate, writer, and speaker, focusing on offering aid to families in diverse circumstances internationally. 

Nicole holds degrees in Professional Writing and Family Systems, and specializes in parenting psychology and body neutrality research. In addition to offering families an academic understanding of their circumstances, Nicole draws insights from her own experiences as a Pfeiffer Syndrome patient navigating mental health, interpersonal relationships, and the long term effects of her own 30+ surgeries. Her consultations with parents of craniofacial patients are centered on trauma adjustment, stress management, and everyday wellness. 

Caretaker Health

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed as a caregiver. Find answers, tackle burnout, and build up your reserves.

  • Identify stressors. Talk through what’s going on beneath the surface, pinpoint specific goals and needs, and develop skills you and your family can use to emotionally regulate in or out of the hospital.

  • Enhance communication and set boundaries with those assisting your family.

  • Normalize the barriers families live with (health conditions, life changes, social integration, etc) that can make it hard to function at home.

  • Communicate effectively with medical teams and connect with organizations, professionals, and community members who can help.

  • Access tools, workbooks, and resources promoting healthy habits, healing, and fun for the whole family. Practice acceptance, empathy, and self compassion.

Patient Health

Healthy relationships at home are central to a patient’s wellbeing. Set your child up for an embodied, well adjusted life.

  • Understand what it’s like to live with a visible difference. Help your child feel confident and capable in their changing body. Encourage them in identifying and healing from body trauma, disembodiment, and otherness.

  • Involve your child in decision making. Encourage your child to give a voice to their experiences and get a clearer understanding of their perspective and preferences.

  • Learn about body neutrality, access research and helpful information related to body acceptance, self compassion, family support, and physical and mental health.

  • Explore your child’s identity and encourage their exploration and integration. Show them they are seen and loved for exactly who they are.

  • Discuss therapy options, pre and post surgery care, and your child’s unique, evolving needs.