Coming your way: workbooks that work

If you’ve booked consultations or connected with Nicole at events, you know her online courses have been in the works for families seeking self-guided learning. The time has finally come— FRED workbooks are available for beta enrollment and will be accessible in Winter 2021.

Why workbooks?

Workbooks provide families with more activities, questions for discussion, and interactive health promoting tools. These courses support daily integration of everyday wellness concepts, and allow families to manage stress and build upon consultations anytime.

Why beta?

Beta sign ups allow families to decide how their workbooks are designed. You choose what’s best for you and your family— select from suggested topics, add your own, and provide early feedback as we continue to build the best programs possible for families like yours.

We look forward to exploring more healing, connection, and fun with you.

Workbook I: Body

  • Implement simple practices to enhance pre and post-surgery healing

  • Pinpoint solutions for chronic pain and common craniofacial health concerns (sleep, scoliosis, eye dryness, etc)

  • Learn about physical trauma and the effects of anesthetic, artificial materials in the body, bone adjustment, and more

  • Address patient disembodiment, triggers, and socialization

  • Regulate the nervous system and counter burnout through breath work, grounding, and more

  • Build a body acceptance mindset and learn about body neutrality vs. body positivity

Workbook II: Mind

  • Identify and give a voice to patient and parent feelings

  • Explore tools for intentional decompressing and recharging daily, before procedures, and during recovery

  • Rewrite limiting beliefs, develop a healthy mindset, and set boundaries

  • Practice radical acceptance of your family’s situation

  • Incorporate healthy family coping mechanisms and self compassion

Workbook III: Relationships

  • Practice empowerment techniques and encourage your child’s individuality 

  • Learn how to have hard conversations and set boundaries with your child, family members, and medical teams

  • Practice intentionality and consent when sharing information about your child’s journey

  • Increase familial communication of needs, experiences, and more

  • Demonstrate support in ways that make sense to your child

  • Address bullying, social skills, and community support